XML for the World Wide Web
The description below is the publishers own description.
Title: XML for the World Wide Web
ISBN: 0-201-71098-6
Pub Date: October 2000
Pages: 272
Web-maven Elizabeth Castro, who has penned Peachpit books on HTML, Perl and CGI, and Netscape, now tackles XML--an indispensable tool for creating personalized, updated content for each visitor on your site.
Whether you build Web pages for a living or you're taking on a new hobby, XML for the World Wide Web contains everything you need to create dynamic Web sites by writing XML code, developing custom XML applications with DTDs and schemas, transforming XML into personalized Web content through XSLT-based transformations, and professionally formatting XML documents with Cascading Style Sheets.
The real power of XML lies in combining information from various sources and generating personalized content for different visitors. Castro's easy-to-follow graphics show exactly what XML looks like, and her real-world examples explain how to transform and streamline your Web-site creation process by automatically updating content.
Table of Contents
Part 1: XML
Chapter 1: Writing XML
Part 2: DTDs
Chapter 2: Creating a DTD
Chapter 3: Defining Elements and Attributes in a DTD
Chapter 4: Entities and Notations in DTDs
Part 3: XML Schema and Namespaces
Chapter 5: XML Schema
Chapter 6: Defining Simple Types
Chapter 7: Defining Complex Types
Chapter 8: Using Namespaces in XML
Chapter 9: Namespaces, Schemas, and Validation
Part 4: XSLT and XPath
Chapter 10: XSLT
Chapter 11: XPath: Patterns and Expressions
Chapter 12: Test Expressions and Functions
Chapter 13: Setting up CSS
Chapter 14: Layout with CSS
Chapter 15: Formatting Text with CSS
Chapter 16: Links and Images: XLink and XPointer
Appendix A: XHTML
Appendix B: XML Tools
Appendix C: Special Symbols
Appendix D: Colors in Hex
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